Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression (PLR) is a form of hypnotherapy that aims to explore an individual’s supposed past lives.

If you believe in reincarnation, and are dealing with a specific or unfathomable issue, PLR can be of great help to you.

Even if you're unsure about reincarnation but are curious and would like to explore PLR, you are very welcome. PLR can not only satisfy your curiosity but also make a real difference in your life right now.

Past Lives, Present Answers

My Stand

It's important that I come clean from the start.

Over the years, I have conducted hundreds of Past Life Regression (PLR) sessions, and personally, the jury is still out on reincarnation. In my hypnotherapeutic work, I've encountered evidence that both supports it and raises questions about it.

However, irrespective of whether past lives exist, based on my direct experience, I am certain of one thing: there is great therapeutic value in PLR sessions.

Years ago, I was sceptical, distrustful and, yes, I'll admit it, even a little fearful of PLR. But when I finally experienced it myself during my hypnotherapy training, it helped me a great deal.

It gave me a new, unexpected, insightful perspective on life, as well as a calmness and lightness that I hadn’t experienced before.

That’s why I now offer it to my clients.


I am happy to report that over the years, many of my clients who chose to undergo Past Life Regression (PLR) have benefited from it in a variety of ways:

  • Clearance or alleviation of stress, trauma, fear, anxiety & depression

  • Healing of emotional & physical issues  as well as troubled relationships, or immediate termination of toxic relationships

  • Understanding and changing unhelpful & limiting behaviours, patterns, and tendencies

  • Disappearance of pains & physical issues that could not be medically explained

  • Gaining calmness, confidence, optimism, & clarity on life purpose

  • Healing of persistent skin problems

  • Cessation of panic attacks

If you would like to explore PLR, I recommend at least two 2-hour sessions to give yourself the necessary time to experience it properly.

Please check out our Offers section or contact us directly for the most up to date Packages Offers. Thank you.

Fly to Crete, Dive into Your Soul

The TV Series

I was so intrigued by the results of my Past Life Regression sessions that I came up with a concept for a television series exploring reincarnation through hypnosis.

Other Lives? is a prime-time TV series in which celebrities with unfathomable personal problems undergo PLR to uncover the source of their issues and seek solutions. What they discover allows them to decide for themselves whether past lives are real or imaginary and explore the therapeutic value of PLR.

The series, which I will be hosting, is currently in development.

For a sneak preview of the concept, see the trailer below.